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Believe In the Magic Page 6

  Jack sighed and shook his head. “Honey, if you’re not going to take it seriously, there is no point in doing this now.”

  “I’m sorry, Jack, but you have to admit this is a little hard to believe.”

  “I know and I’m living it. No, we are not aliens, we are as human as you are… We just have the ability to change shape. We actually come from Britain originally, although we were more common in Scotland. There are shapeshifters all over the world now.” He paused a moment, his expression thoughtful. “How do you feel about psychics?”

  Megan regarded him with suspicion wondering where this was leading. “Okay, I know that there are some con artists out there but I think there are some who are genuine.”

  “Psychics are people who have mental abilities they can’t explain and you don’t think they are aliens.”

  She couldn’t argue with that but in her mind there was still a big difference between shapeshifters and fortune tellers. “If there were shapeshifters all over the world, I should have heard something by now. Unless you are all living in the back of beyond—which you’re clearly not.”

  “You have, you just didn’t know it. Haven’t you ever seen stories in magazines or newspapers about sightings of big cats? The most well-known is probably the Beast of Bodmin Moor.”

  Yes she had, come to think of it. She had to admit, his arguments were very convincing. Okay, so it’s a well-researched psychosis. “That was you guys? And I thought we just had really incompetent zoos,” she said flippantly. “So how often do you transform? Is there something that triggers it?”

  “I told you before, the change comes when it comes. There is no pattern to it.”

  “Then it can happen any time? That must be inconvenient, particularly when you were a child. Growing up is hard enough without worrying if you are going to turn into a cat in the middle of classes.”

  Jack watched her. She was getting too close to the things he didn’t want to discuss yet. He would have to tread carefully. “We only shift once in puberty, it’s triggered by all the hormonal changes in the body at that time. Regular shifting doesn’t start until later in life.”

  “Really? Wow, and I thought I had hormone troubles to look forward to.” She flashed him a quick smile. “When did you change the first time, as an adult I mean?”

  “Very recently.” Jack felt his cheeks and the tips of his ears grow warm, and lowered his head to stare into his mug of coffee. Embarrassing as it might be, it was easier to let her believe her assumption. He didn’t want to lie to her any more than he already had, but until he had convinced her he was a shapeshifter, she would never believe she was his mate. He ignored the devil on his shoulder that urged him to just get it over with and tell her everything now. One world-changing revelation at a time was definitely the best way to go.

  “I have to admit that I am maybe a little less skeptical, Jack, but my mind just doesn’t want to accept this. I’m afraid seeing is believing.”

  He lifted his head and studied her face. He was relieved that she had let the subject of his first change go so easily, but she still didn’t believe him. Letting his gaze caress her face, he said, “I am going to prove it to you, Megan, I just hope you are ready for it when I do. In the meantime, I will be staying very close to you.”

  Megan swallowed, her throat suddenly dry, and whispered, “How close?”

  Jack stood and moved around the table to crouch between her knees, his voice deepened. “As close as I can get. You could even say I’m going to be a part of you.” His hand lifted to sift through the hair at her temple. “You smell like strawberries today,” he said softly. “You always smell so good.”

  Megan’s heart fluttered at the hunger in his voice and her nipples peaked under her shirt as desire washed through her. She ran her fingers over his smooth cheek, drawing his attention back to her face. Their bodies were just inches apart, she could feel his warm, coffee-scented breath brush her lips and felt a trickle of moisture between her legs. Jack’s nostrils flared and his pupils dilated and she somehow knew he could smell her arousal. When his hands clenched where they rested on his thighs but he made no move to touch her, she realized that this time it was up to her. The knowledge went through Megan’s body like lightning. She fisted her hands in his hair and crushed her mouth to his, her heart pounding in her ears. When he opened his lips for her, she slipped her tongue inside to duel with his. His palms were warm under her shirt where they rested at the base of her spine.

  “Yoo-hoo, Megandear!” The voice registered gradually in Megan’s foggy brain followed by the tapping at the door. Jack groaned in frustration as she pulled away to rest her forehead on his. They were both breathless. Glancing down she saw Jack’s cock pressing impatiently against his fly and her fingers itched with the need to touch it. Jack must have read the intention in her face for a strong tremor ran through his body. “Do not answer it,” he growled.

  “I have to, it’s my neighbor. She probably knows I’m here.”

  Jack recalled the open door when he had stood in the hallway. “Make that definitely,” he said, she looked at him and he shrugged. “She saw me in the hall.”

  This time it was Megan who groaned. “You have no idea what you have just done.” She pushed Jack’s shoulders causing him to lose his balance and land on his butt with a startled “Hey!” then stood and headed towards the door. “But you are about to find out.” Jack sat on the floor for a moment trying to bring his aching body back under control before getting slowly to his feet and following his mate. He paused halfway down the hall when she opened the door.

  “There you are, Megandear, I was beginning to get worried about you!” The elderly woman who stood before Megan was certainly…eye-catching. She wore a yellow and orange striped top with purple polka dot cycling shorts. On her feet were a pair of yellow flip-flops with two-inch soles and large sunflowers stuck onto the straps. Her wispy silver hair was floating around her shoulders and there was a large pair of spangly purple sunglasses on her face. He was sure he heard his jaw hit the floor. He looked on fascinated as Megan blushed becomingly.

  “I’m sorry to have worried you, Mrs. Timms. I’m fine, I just didn’t hear the door.”

  “George and I are going to the beach, Megandarling, and I was just wondering if you had a picnic hamper we could borrow. I seem to have misplaced mine.”

  “No I don’t, I’m s—” Mrs. Timms didn’t wait for the reply as her gaze shifted down the hall and landed on Jack. “Oh! This must be your young man!” Jack smiled and approached the two women, struggling not to laugh at the whole situation. “Mrs. Timms, this is Jack Douglass…a friend.” Her blue eyes dared him to contradict her as he reached to shake her neighbor’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  Mrs. Timms’ hand fluttered to her chest. “Oh! You’re an American, Mr. Douglass!”

  “Yes, ma’am, and please call me Jack.”

  “How lovely! George and I had an American staying with us for a while during the war.” She glanced at the empty hallway to her left. “Didn’t we, dear?”

  Puzzled, Jack looked at Megan who shook her head imperceptibly.

  “He was such a nice young man, very good company. George didn’t really spend much time with him, did you dear? He was always at work, he works for the government, you know.” She looked Jack up and down. “You Americans are all so…big.” Jack heard Megan gasp and struggled not to laugh as Mrs. Timms continued brightly. “What are you doing in Scotland, Jack?”

  He gave her the same answer he had given Megan. “I’m here on family business.”

  “Really? What business is your family in?”

  “Computers. My father’s company makes software. Mine makes the computers.” He saw the surprise on Megan’s face before Mrs. Timms spoke again.

  “Oh! Do you know the Internet? I just love it, you can get such interesting pictures on there!”

  Megan interrupted desperately, “Mrs. Timms, you had better go before the beach
gets too busy.”

  “My, my! Yes, you are right! Let’s go, Georgedear.” She turned and took a few steps down the hall before stopping abruptly. “Oh Megandear! I almost forgot, I told Miss Appleton downstairs that I would ask if you had seen a stray dog around. She says she saw a big black dog on her fire escape!” she laughed. “I promised I would ask but it was probably her imagination. You know I think she is a little touched, poor dear…”

  There was so much in that statement that Megan was clearly not sure what to react to first. Jack resolved to take more care in the future. “Ah, no… I definitely have not seen any dogs.”

  “All right, Megandarling, I’ll see you later. You too, Jackdear. Cheerio!”

  Megan shut the door and turned to face him. “Mrs. Timms is a little… Okay, who am I kidding? The woman is more than a few sandwiches short of a picnic.”

  “So I gathered,” he chuckled. “Who’s George?”

  “I’ll explain later.” She looped her arms around his waist so that every inch of her body was touching him, bringing his body to full alert.

  “Now, where were we?” she murmured.

  He laughed softly and returned her embrace. “I believe we were about to take part in another one of those kitchen table sex scenes.”

  Blue eyes met silver. Megan smiled. “Maybe I should invest in a stronger table.”

  “Maybe you should. Do you think we will ever make it to bed?” In answer, she slipped her hand into his and led him down the hall to the bedroom.

  Jack stopped just inside the door, folded his arms to prevent himself from reaching for her and leaned one hip negligently against the doorframe.

  She stood at the foot of the bed, her eyes scorching him. “What are you doing, Jack? Come here.” She reached her hand out to him, her voice husky with desire.

  Jack shook his head, keeping his face impassive as his body ached to be inside her. This time he wanted to take her slowly. Make her scream his name. He knew she was wet for him, the scent of her desire tormented him. “Take your clothes off for me, Megan, I need to see you.”

  Surprise lit her eyes briefly but her hands were already moving towards the buttons of her shirt. She fixed her gaze to his face and unfastened it slowly from top to bottom. She lifted one shoulder then the other and let the white top slide down her arms to pool on the floor at her feet. Her hands lifted to cover her breasts coyly before sliding slowly down to the waistband of her jeans. The rasp of her zipper was loud in the silence of the room and in a moment she stood before him in a white lace bra and high-cut panties. Her hair spilled over her shoulders in stark contrast to her creamy skin. Berry-red nipples were peaking against the sheer, lacy cups, and he glimpsed the silken curls between her thighs.

  “Touch me,” she whispered.

  Jack felt a bead of sweat roll slowly down his back when her tongue moistened her lips. This was his mate. No longer able to tolerate the distance between them, he crossed the room and walked slowly around her, caressing her with his eyes before pausing in front of her. But he didn’t touch her. Not yet. “Take them off.”

  She raised a brow but said nothing. His hard-on throbbed insistently against the fly of his jeans as she obeyed him. “Lie on the bed.”

  Obediently she crawled onto the white duvet, her curvy ass swaying seductively, pausing to give him a heat-filled glance that told him she knew exactly what she was doing to him. She reclined against the soft pillows, one hand resting low on her belly, legs parted just enough to tease him. Reminding him of the night he had watched her pleasure herself.

  As if she had read his thoughts her hand slipped down and she caressed herself gently, just barely touching her mound. His body surged with excitement. It took all his restraint to strip slowly when every nerve ending screamed at him to rip off his clothes and plunge into her. With hands that trembled, he sheathed his rigid erection in a condom and knelt between her thighs. Placing his hands on either side of her, he bent and kissed her with a slow carnality, thrusting his tongue into her mouth with deep leisurely strokes, a portent of what was to come.

  Megan reached out for him and he stilled abruptly. “Ah, ah…hands off.” He waited until she gripped the duvet, he didn’t know if he could last if she touched him. When he raised his head he saw that her cheeks were flushed and her breathing had quickened. He lowered his head again this time to her breasts, drawing first one, then the other into his mouth, rolling her sensitive nipples between his lips before suckling them until she moaned with pleasure and began to move restlessly. He paused and lifted his head. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something…”

  “Now!?” she demanded, incredulously.

  Jack nuzzled the soft curve of her belly, ignoring her. “Why is it that your accent is so easy for me to understand?” He dipped his tongue in her navel and she gasped.

  “Ah! I’ve, uh, worked in the restaurant for ten years.”


  “We get a lot of tourists.” She moaned as he traced the tips of his fingers along her sides. “I’ve-learned-to-slow-down-and-speak-clearly.” Jack chuckled at the rush of words and slid further down her body.

  “Jack.” She whimpered in protest when he kissed his way towards his ultimate goal. She had stopped him from making her come this way before. “Not this time, honey… This time I intend to finish what I started.” He brushed a kiss across the crown of her sex before running the tip of his tongue lightly along the seam of her labia from top to bottom and back. She moaned and tilted her hips as he parted her and swirled his way around her swollen clitoris, sucking gently on it. Her body trembled under his hands. The taste of her inflamed him, causing his own hips to buck against the bed in search of relief.

  He grasped the smooth cheeks of her ass and raised her hips, pushing his tongue inside her, thrusting in and out in a sensual mimicry of what his body cried out for. Her hands gripped his head this time, holding him to her instead of pushing him away as she lost herself in the sensations. He felt her inner walls begin to spasm and clench around his tongue, her breath coming in gasps.

  “Oh God, Jack!” Megan cried out, her head tossing on the pillows, body arching off the bed. He gripped her hips and held her in place as a rush of hot fluid filled his mouth and bathed his chin.

  She collapsed back onto the mattress panting softly, her lashes dark against pink flushed cheeks. Jack thought he had never seen a more beautiful sight. He licked his lips clean as he trailed the length of his body up along the length of hers until his marble-hard penis rested against her damp heat. “Let me come inside you,” he murmured and kissed her deeply, sucking her tongue into his mouth, letting her taste the salty sweetness of her own release.

  It felt like every muscle in his body was drawn tight in anticipation. He could feel Megan’s heart pounding hard within her chest as it rose and fell beneath his, his cock pulsed with the rapid beat of his own heart. Slumberous blue eyes locked with hungry silver while he slowly penetrated her and sweat beaded on his brow as he resisted the urge to take his own pleasure quickly. Megan wrapped her legs around his hips and gripped his shoulders, pressing her face to his neck and breathing deeply of his scent.

  She nipped his earlobe and whispered, “Please…please….”

  Blood rushed in his ears, all of his senses focused on the hot clasp of her body around his cock as he moved. He felt the tension in her as he built her up towards the peak once more, muscles tightening, hips rising off the bed to meet his. Her nails dug into his back, panting breaths becoming desperate moans with every thrust.

  He felt her come, her body clenching tightly around him as she threw back her head and screamed. Tremors shook him and sweat rolled down his back, his own release approaching with the speed and power of a freight train. His buttocks and thighs grew taut with need. With an animalistic growl, he gave in to his body’s demands, pistoning his hips faster and harder until he followed her in a burst of heat and light.

  Chapter Six

  Megan lay in Jack’s embrace, h
er head resting on his chest watching the afternoon light filter through her bedroom window and listening to the slow beat of his heart. Heat radiated from his body and his chest rose and fell silently. He was fast asleep, unfortunately, Megan couldn’t say the same. She could not believe she had given in to the desire between them again—for someone who was usually very cautious about sex, she didn’t seem to have any trouble throwing herself at Jack. Their discussion earlier had made one thing clear to her, that he believed absolutely in his story and he was not going to go away until he had her convinced, too.

  That was another thing…why was he so desperate to make her believe? After all, they had only met a few days ago, they didn’t have what you could call a relationship and yet he was determined to tell her this secret. She had a feeling there was something else he wasn’t telling her, but what could be worse than being a part-time cat? It gave her a headache to think about it. In the meantime, her independent streak was emerging again, now that her thoughts weren’t clouded by lust.

  Megan didn’t like to be forced into anything, she had been taking care of herself for a long time and if Jack thought he could force himself into her life he was very much mistaken. Time to pull herself together and try to beat this…irrational attraction, it was frightening the way it always seemed to push everything else out of her head.

  She needed her own space and it didn’t look like he was going to give it to her. With that in mind, she eased herself out of his arms, freezing when he stirred, only daring to breathe when he settled onto his stomach. Silently she crept from the room.

  In the kitchen she dressed quickly in wrinkled clothes from the clean laundry basket, glad for once that she had shoved it in the cupboard until she could be bothered to sort everything. She glanced longingly at the fresh hot coffee in the pot then pulled a plastic grocery bag from the recycle drawer, wincing at the noise, and filled it with clothes as well. Amazed she had gotten this far without Jack hearing her, she retrieved her shoes and bag from the living room and wrote a quick note on the message pad on the coffee table.